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28 oct until  1 november 2020




Super early bird until 28 july  

Early bird until 28 september

After 28 september

Full convention  (food and accomadation included)

290 chf

280 eur

310 chf

300 eur

330 chf

320 eur

3 days (food and accomadation included)

225 chf

215 eur

235 chf

225 eur

245 chf

235 eur

2 days (food and accomadation included)

150 chf

140 eur

160 chf

150 eur

170 chf

160 eur

1 day

90 chf

80 eur

100 chf

90 eur

110 chf

100 eur

Pre convention (food and accomadation included)

90 chf

80 eur

100 chf

90 eur

110 chf

100 eur

If you want, you can come the evening before your arrival date for an additionnal cost of 30. ( included dinner, accomadation, free training and breackfast)

Canceling conditions :

For every canceling before 20 september 2020, all the money will return to you

For every canceling after 20 september 2020, 100 chf will be charged


Seestrasse 119, 1716 Schwarzsee